Groundwater modeling Software

Unsaturated zone

ED Technology specialized in water problem in the field of groundwater. The analysis of the vadose zone and unsaturated flow in the upper area where the soil is not saturated is performed in several stages. The hydrogeological study of the outcrops’ the measurement of the state of saturation, the analysis of the flow.

Delineation radius

ED Technology customizes various computerized systems to meet the client’s specific requirements. These include development software in the field of hydrology. Software for the computation of capture zones, delineation of groundwater wells and risk assessment.


ED Technology specialized in water problem in the field of groundwater. During the construction phase of underground building, the team has to work on dry soil. It requires lowering the water level. This design is called dewatering problem.

Sea water Intrusion

Design of Peer for dewatering

ED Technology uses advanced groundwater computer model for the design of dewatering.

An example of Peer design near Tel-Aviv is shown here.

Water Treatment

ED Technology specialized in water problem in the field of groundwater. One of the well known problems for coastal aquifer is the sea intrusion problem. Sea water is entering the aquifer near the sea, causing a salt pollution of the fresh groundwater. Design of such phenomenon was performed using advanced software.